Stewardship Campaign- Our generosity is informed by the simple theological truth that God has blessed us infinitely with all the gifts of Creation. Our lives, our labor, our love is devoted to the mission of the Church when we take stock and realize that our lives and our response to God’s generosity are Rooted in aundance. Stewardship is more than just a campaign to raise money to support the church’s budget. It is a way of life. It is giving back to God the first and best portion of our time, talent, and money, all that God has given us, back to God in generosity and gratitude. For more information contact the parish office.

Capital Improvement Fund- Over the past few years, St. Mary's has continued to be proactive in raising money for our Capital Improvement Fund. This campaign was designed to help St. Mary's with large building maintenance projects that are not regularly budgeted items, i.e., air conditioner repair/replacement, organ repair, parish hall floor care, etc. This campaign helps put money aside for things that may come up and are not planned in our yearly budget. We accept donations throughout the year for this campaign. Please designate "Capital Improvement Fund" on any funds donated.

• Our endowment fund has an investment, withdrawal, and usage policy governing how it is run. The continued growth of this fund will help secure financial stability for the church in the years to come. Please click below for brochure.